Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week 6 Reading Diary: Tibetan Folk Tales

For this weeks storytelling I chose to read the Tibetan Folk Tales by A.L. Shelton. I liked that each story was different and included both magic and animals! The story of The Tiger and the Frog was really funny because the little frog was able to use his words in a clever way to scare the tiger. I also liked imagining the tiger tying his tail to the foxes… the picture in my head is absolutely ridiculous. I also liked The Story of the Donkey and the Rock because the king was so cunning. At first I was really confused as to why the king decided to put the donkey and the rock in jail… I thought he was crazy! It was clever how he turned it on the people and ended up using the money he collected from them to give to the poor man who lost his oil. It could be interesting to do a story of how the man uses his money once it is returned. The Man and the Ghost was very interesting… I didn’t understand why the man was so afraid of the ghost if the ghost was being so nice to him? It almost seemed like the ghost was trying to scare him away by bringing him the boy’s soul and leaving it. I think it would be interesting to write a story on the ghost coming back and being angry that the man had set the soul free! In The Story of the Two Devils I kept seeing a theme of deceit… first the woman turned out to be a she-devil, then the yak was truly a he-devil, and finally the man who claimed he was a fortune-teller couldn’t actually see the future. I also really liked the description of what the he-devil and she-devil looked like once they were in their true form. The description was so vivid!
(Illustration of Tibetan man by Mildred Bryant
Source: UnTextbook

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