Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Week 5 Reading Diary: Jataka Tales (Babbitt)

This week I chose to read the Jataka Tales (Babbitt) section by Ellen Babbit. Again I liked how each story served as a mini lesson and thought it would be perfect to use with little kids. How the Turtle Saved His Own Life caught my attention because it is relatable in the way that people often times aren’t given a chance. The princes had never seen a turtle before, so they automatically accused him of being a demon… no one questioned them or even gave the turtle a chance to hear his side. He was immediately thrown back into the lake. Many times once one person makes a judgment others are quick to agree and not make their own opinions up! I could use this story and add onto the ending of what the turtle does next after being thrown back into the lake. The Turtle Who Couldn’t Stop Talking was also a good story because even when he was warned to keep his mouth shut he still couldn’t do it! I also liked the image of a turtle being carried through the air by two geese. Another good story was The Foolish, Timid Rabbit. I thought that it was funny how everyone was blindly following the rabbit when they could have easily stopped and looked to see if the world actually was “breaking”. I could use write this story in the form of a parent telling their child a bed time story. The Girl Monkey and the String of Pearls was creative because I would have never suspected a monkey to come in and steal the jewelry from the Queen. I think it’s a relatable story because it’s so hard for people to keep quiet and not brag when they know they have something better than everyone else… the girl monkey couldn’t resist!
(Illustration of the turtle being carried through the air
Source: UnTextbook)

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