Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 4 Reading Diary: Khashi Folktales

This week I chose to read the Khasi Folktales by Mrs. K. U. Rafy. I really liked the reading because it’s similar to fairytales and most of the stories teach a lesson in a creative way. The Tiger and the Monkeys was one of my favorite’s to read because the ending completely shocked me! I thought that the tiger would for sure figure out that his bride to be was merely a clay sculpture, but he was fooled the entire time. I wonder how the story would go if it was told by Shalymmen, the insect with the pretty voice that the tiger fell in love with. I could also change the ending of the story where the roles are reversed and the tiger figures out his bride is fake and the monkeys always fear him. Another story I enjoyed was The Legend of the Lei Tree. I think it could be fun to have the tiger be the narrator in my storytelling this week. The Hunting of the Stag Lapalang also caught my attention because it shared how difficult it is to lose someone we love. When the narrator said, “Never before was heard a lamentation so mournful, so plaintive, so full of sorrow and anguish and misery, as the lament of the mother of the Stag Lapalang as she sought him in death on the slopes of Shillong” it really gave me a mental image of how much pain and suffering the Stag’s mother was going through. I thought it was very relatable! Finally I really enjoyed the story of The Stag and the Snail, because it reminded me of the tortoise and the hare. I always route for the underdog, so it may be fun to expand more on the snail’s character in my storytelling for this week.
(Tortoise and the Hare Illustration by Milo Winter
Source: Wikimedia)

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