Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 3 Reading Diary, continued: Jewish Fairy Tales

The second part of the reading of The Jewish Fairy Tales by Gertrude Landa wasn't as interesting as the first part but they still had crazy parts to them! The Sleep of One Hundred Years stood out to me because it was such an interesting concept…. I can’t imagine what it would be like waking up 100 years later. It might be interesting to rewrite the story but have the man sleep for even longer to 2016 to see what it is like in our day and age. I also liked the way that Sarah was described in The Higgeledy-Piggledy Palace. The words they used really made me feel like she had to be the most beautiful girl in the world. For example the pharaoh was entranced by her beauty even when she was dressed as a peasant! I also thought it was funny that the spirit had a sense of humor and liked messing with the king even when he no longer was in the presence of Sarah. It might be fun to tell a story from the place of either Sarah or the spirit. Another story that really caught my attention was The Rabbi’s Bogey-Man. I was so surprised when the creature he built actually came to life. I may write my story about what would happen if the bogey-man had actually gotten away with burning the scrolls and building an army.
(Illustration of Higgledy-Piggledy Palace
Source: UnTextbook)

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