Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 3 Storytelling: The Journey of Sleeping Onias

Many years ago there was a Rabbi named Onias. The Rabbi hadn’t been home in years and missed his temple and family dearly, so he decided to make the long journey back to his home city of Jerusalem. It took many days and many nights of traveling through the desolate dessert until Onias finally made it back home. He was so exhausted, but he knew that just over this last sand dune was the beautiful city of Jerusalem. He used what little strength he had to get to the top of the hill and when he gazed out at the land before him he was completely shocked. The city was in complete ruin… He knew that there had been a war there but he didn’t think the entire city would be gone! Immediately Onias fell to his knees and cried until he fell into a deep sleep on top of the sand dune.

Onias slept for hours, days, and even months. The seasons started to change and a thin layer of snow covered him in the winter. Then when spring came around the snow melted and flowers and vines grew around him and covered him completely, but nothing woke him up.

Onias slept for hundreds of years until finally, one day something hit him quickly startling him awake! He stretched his arms and legs breaking free of all the vines and greenery that had grown on top of him while he was sleeping. He thought to himself “Wow I haven’t felt this rested in years!” Then he looked to see what had woken him from his deep slumber and saw a little boy holding a strange orange round ball.

The child looked at him in such a confused way and then ran away. Onias watched the little boy run onto a piece of concrete with other children who dressed so strangely and it seemed as if they were playing a game with that strange orange ball. The boy would bounce the ball down the court, pass it to another kid and then they would try to throw it into this hoop like basket high up into the air!

He then looked on past the children playing and saw these huge metal buildings so high up in the air that you couldn’t even see the top because the clouds covered them! It was then when he heard the sounds of honking and sirens when he discovered that he must have been sleeping for quite a long time.
(Illustration of Onias. Source: UnTextbook)

Onias got up and walked over to an adult who was watching the children play. Her eyes grew big and she immediately looked him up and down because he clearly didn’t belong. “Can I help you?” she asked. He cleared his throat and said, “Um Miss can you please tell me what year it is?” The woman replied saying, “It’s 2016 sir… you’re scaring the children can you please leave?” She then proceeded to get a call from her cell phone and answered it as she was walking away. Onias was so curious but scared at the same time! “How could I have slept for so long? And how exciting that I’m in the future!” he thought.

So, he took this opportunity to go on an adventure and see everything that was going on in this new time. He walked towards the skyscrapers and the honking and siren noises got louder and louder until he could finally see what they were. The vehicles were moving on their own! There weren’t any camels on the streets and everyone seemed as if they were in a hurry talking on their phones walking swiftly. Onias tried to get peoples attention to ask them where he was, but they looked at him in disgust and kept walking and talking on their cell phones.

He then decided to take matters into his own hands and saw what looked like a place to eat across the street. He was so hungry since he hadn’t had anything to eat in years! Onias put one foot into the street and kept his eye on the restaurant ahead… now he was halfway across the street when all of the sudden a loud honk and screeching noise startled him. He looked up and saw that one of the cars had almost hit him! The man behind the wheel yelled at him and shook his fist in outrage! Onias didn’t know he was supposed to use the crosswalk up ahead so he had decided to just walk in the middle of the street!

When he got to the restaurant people kept staring like they did before. Onias patiently waited in line until it was his turn and tried ordering but nothing looked familiar on the menu. He tried paying with the little gold piece that he had but the cashier looked at him as if he was crazy and demanded cash! So, Onias left the restaurant still hungry and exhausted from the day. He sat down on the bench outside and thought about how much he missed his old home, Jerusalem. Everything was shiny and new here in the future. People could communicate with each other from miles away just with phones, but they also were so entrapped in them that they didn’t even realize everything that was going on around them! Yeah, this time period seemed great, but he missed the simplicity of the old times.

Onias knew that this new life was not for him. He was so old and this new world was way too fast for him! So, he lay down on the bench, thought of simpler times, and closed his eyes for one last time.


Authors Note: The Sleeping of One Hundred Years is about a Rabbi who travels to Jerusalem and finds that it is completely destroyed. He is exhausted and wants to give up so he lays down on top of the hill above the city to take a nap. When he finally opens his eyes, to his surprise it's been 100 years! The city is completely rebuilt and is so beautiful. He runs to the city and is shown his old temple that has been rebuilt, but when he looks inside everything seems so foreign to him and different. He quickly learns that this new time is not for him and he asks his grandson to lead him to a place of rest where he again falls asleep to never wake up again. My story is very similar to the original, but I thought it would be fun to write it as if Onias had slept until our time period! I had him travel all the way to 2016 so he could see all of the technology and things we have today. I kept it similar to the other stories plot, so eventually he notices that this isn't the life for him and like the original he goes back into a deep sleep. 

Bibliography: "The Sleeping of One Hundred Years" by Gertrude Landa. Website: UnTextbook


  1. Your story was really well written and it kept my attention the whole time. Sometimes I feel like I could take a nap for 100 years. I thought the picture you used was placed well within the story. The length of Onias' beard made me laugh because I thought of him tripping on it when he was adventuring around. One thing I did notice is that you did not include the link to the story, which might be helpful for people interested in what the story was based on. I like the design of your blog overall and I think it makes the it easy for the viewer to read. It was funny to read your story because just the other day I was thinking how crazy it would be to be 100 years old and to see so much change over that time. Great job overall!

  2. This was very well written! It was cool that you made him sleep for so long he appears in present day (still can't believe it's already 2016!) I was wondering what the orange ball was before whispering 'basketball' to myself, since I wasn't sure what year he would wake up in... This was very good and kept my attention the whole time!

  3. Hey Adrienne!
    Your story was very interesting! I had no idea where it was going, but I found it fun. I found your writing style to be very easy to read and understand. You are really good at writing in this style and I couldn't wait to read more and see what happened.
    I liked that the story ended in 2016, which of course made it easy to relate to. We are living in a completely different and complex world than the rabbi. I couldn't imagine waking up to a strange new world where nothing looked the same. It would be terrifying!
    I thought the introduction to the new world that the rabbi entered into was funny. I loved how you introduced him to basketball. I found myself trying to guess what sport the kids were playing!
    I even liked the ending of the story. It was as if the rabbi couldn't handle living in our world and decided it wasn't for him.
    Really good job!

  4. This is kind of a sad story--but it really makes sense that someone from so long ago would find the present times so overwhelming. It's a much larger jump than a hundred years! I liked the details you put in about the woman being creeped out that Onias was talking to her, and the man in the restaurant refusing the gold piece, and the car almost hitting him--did you make those up completely, or did you adapt them from what was in the story? They're cool ideas either way...

  5. I really enjoyed reading your story! I really liked that he woke up, and the first thing he noticed was kids playing basketball. I wondered if maybe he could try to join the game? And the kids let him, but he's not really sure what's going on. I also liked that you ended it by saying that he simply just went back to sleep, but forever. I wonder though if maybe he could have tried living and fitting in with people in modern times. Maybe he finds that he likes it.
    I liked the formatting of your story a lot. The fact that you broke the story up into multiple paragraphs made it really easy to read, and didn't seem like it was going on forever. I love the white font on the pink background, it really makes it pop! The font was also really nice, because it also made the story extremely easy to read.
    Your story was great overall!

  6. This is a really cool story. I like that Onias was taken back to 2016 instead of the time period the story suggests. Make sure when you describe how the world was 100 years ago, it's an accurate description based on how the work was like in 1916. Or you could choose to make the giant sleep longer, like 200 or 300 years. Either way, good job, I enjoyed your story.

  7. I loved reading this story!! I loved modernized stories because it makes it easier for me to see parts of the story within my own life. I can't imagine waking up 100 years later and having all the people that I love gone. It would be incredible, but also incredibly sad at the same time!
