Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 4 Reading Diary Continued: Khasi Folktales

The second half of the reading of the Khasi Folktales by Mrs. K. U. Rafy was very similar to those in the first half. It kept with the animal theme and told stories that taught lessons. The first story, The Leap of Ka Likai really caught my attention because it was so dark compared to the other ones! When the narrator was describing what he did to the innocent child it was so descriptive and unexpected! He said, “…he took portions of the body and cooked them against the mother’s return and waited in silence for her coming.” I had such a vivid mental image of this part! I may tell the story from the dad’s perspective instead of the third person narrative. What Caused the Shadows on the Moon was also a intriguing story because it explained why the moon only comes out at night and why it looks the way it does. I liked that the sun on the moon had human qualities and seemed alive! The Legend of Ka Panshandi, the Lazy Tortoise taught the lesson that even if someone is provided with everything they could ever want they will never change their ways. It still is hard to understand why Ka Panshandi didn’t at least try to clean up a little for her new husband… I wonder what would happen if U Lurmangkhara made her earn his wealth instead of just automatically showering her with it upon their marriage. Another story I enjoyed was How the Ox came to be the Servant of Man. I really felt for the Ox because I probably would have done the same thing! It’s common to return a favor once one is done for you so it would be so hard for him to just turn his back on the crow after he had helped him! I wonder if the Ox would do something differently if he was given the chance.
(Sun and Moon Illustration by: Hartmann Schedule
Source: Wikimedia)

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