Thursday, January 28, 2016

Storytelling for Week 2: Psyche's Online Quest for Love

Ok Cupid Dating Site

Name: Psyche
Interested in: Men
Hobbies: Loves to gaze at herself in the mirror and talk about herself all the time.

Tell us a little about yourself:

Hello! My name’s Psyche and I’m looking for love. I’ve always been a hopeless romantic since I was little… I dream of being swept off my feet by prince charming on a daily basis, but the right person just hasn’t come by yet! It’s very hard these days you know, there’s tons of princes out there but they’re all so pushy and way too into themselves. I honestly don’t understand why I haven’t found someone yet. I’ve been called one of the most beautiful princesses in the land! People from all over come to look at my beauty and even bow down to me because they think I look so similar to Venus. This has caused some problems with the true goddess Venus, as she gets jealous very easily… you would think she would take me copying her as a compliment, but alas she tries to make my life miserable every single day.

My parent’s are even starting to worry that I’ll never get married. I have two older sisters who are pretty and have great personalities don’t get me wrong, but there’s no question that I have the best looks of the family. That’s why I’m just so confused as to why I haven’t gotten married yet! This OK Cupid dating website is my last ditch effort to find a suitable man to marry. I am kind of opposed to dating a god… I’ve done that once before and it didn’t work out well at all! I even was supposed to marry the man but it all fell through in tragedy.

His name was Cupid. Yes, everyone knows him as the god of love and that’s where a red flag should have gone off in my head, but I still went for it! We didn’t have a normal dating period like most people… his mom, Venus, absolutely hated me for my beauty and had sent him down to hit me with one of his arrows. She instructed him to make me fall in love with the most unfortunate looking men who had no wealth or anything going for them, but Cupid just couldn’t resist me. He shot himself with one of his own arrows and fell madly in love with me before even formally meeting me!

Cupid knew I was desperate for love, so he sent me down to his beautiful palace. I had no idea who my secret admirer was yet, but I had already fallen in love with the life that I could have with this marriage. There was gold and treasure everywhere! I even had my own servants who I could not see but would speak to me and perform any request I had with ease. When it came time to meeting my future husband he insisted that the lights would be off and that I wouldn’t try to see him. He was so loving and sweet that I went with it. Weeks passed by and eventually I started to become curious as to what he looked like. I mean was I really supposed to marry a man who I had never laid eyes on before?! So I planned to shine a light on him after he fell into a deep sleep in bed next to me.

The night came and he started to breathe heavily which made it clear he was fast asleep. I was so nervous as to who I would see when I turned on the lamp, but when I did I was in complete awe. The man was gorgeous! I had heard tales of this kind of beauty before, but I had never seen anyone like this… Immediately I knew he had to be the god Cupid. I was so happy with the man I was supposed to marry that I climbed back into bed and fell right asleep! The next day is when things started to get weird…

 (Psyche finally seeing Cupid by Rubens. 
Source: UnTextbook)

Our wedding day was only a couple of days away. I hadn’t left the palace the entire time I had been there and was starting to long for other human contact. When I asked Cupid, who still would only speak to me from the shadows, if I could go to the market to get fresh air he immediately said “NO!, that is what the servants are for! You are way too beautiful to be around the common folk of the land. I don’t want anyone but me to look at you.” From then on he started to get more and more possessive. The more space I tried to get the more he suffocated me with his loving gestures. It wasn’t until the day of the wedding that I realized he had shot himself with one of his own arrows to fall in love with me. I mean I had heard the stories of Cupid and his love arrows all throughout my childhood, he was showing all of the irrational, possessive, and overly loving behavior that each of his “victims” had when they were shot with one of his arrows. I was so hurt. I thought that someone had finally just loved me for me, but I was wrong. Immediately I called off the wedding and ran from the palace. I’ve yet to see Cupid, but I know he’s lurking around.

This is why I need this website! I’m ready to fall in love for real this time. I’ve heard great things about Ok Cupid from other princesses in the land and am willing to give it a try!

Xoxo, The Hopeless Romantic Psyche

Author's Note: Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche is a story about a beautiful princess named Psyche who angers the god Venus, who is threatened by her beauty. Venus asks her son Cupid to make sure that Psyche is miserable and marries an ugly man with no wealth. Cupid ends up falling in love with Psyche but not allowing her to see his true identity. Her curiosity gets the best of her and when she does find out that he is the god Cupid he wakes up and flies away. Venus hears that her son has fallen in love with Psyche and is horrified and angry that her son would do this behind her back, so she give Psyche 3 seemingly impossible tasks to finish in order to stay with her love, Cupid. With the help of others Psyche is able to finish the 3 tasks and stay with the man she loves. I choose to use a dating website as my form of storytelling because I wanted to switch it up a bit! Psyche was so focused on finding love in the story, so I thought having her tell her story through an online dating bio would be appropriate. I also wanted to change the story around to where she is still looking for love because she and Cupid didn't work out. 

Bibliography: "Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche" written by Apuleius and translated into English by Tony Kline. Website: UnTextbook


  1. Hey Adrienne, I liked your take on this story! The idea of taking this story and turning it into a dating profile is awesome and super creative! I also did Psyche and Cupid and think that it was a really interesting story to read, and found it tricky to get all of the details included! I do wonder how other people would respond to Psyche's profile? I think it would be cool to see future responses from other people interested in her after almost being married to Cupid!

  2. Wow, I really like this storytelling. I love that you did an OK Cupid profile for Psyche. It is incredibly hilarious and brilliant. It was also incredibly unique. I had a very singular idea of what the storytelling post was supposed to be like. I imagined a very literal story so your post was very interesting and the very first one I read that broke from the format I expected. I also enjoyed the “tell us a little about yourself”, it was pretty amusing. Psyche should probably calm down with the self-praise though. I think it’s funny that she also chose OK Cupid for a dating site considering her history with the real Cupid. I wonder how long those arrows are in effect though. Does one hit of the arrow make you “fall in love” forever? I also wonder why Cupid wouldn’t let Psyche see him. He turned out to be very handsome so why the secrecy in appearances? You also didn’t clarify whether Cupid ever let Psyche see him which I kind of want to know.

  3. Using a dating website as a platform to tell her story is so creative! It's also cool that you changed the ending in your version of the story. I don't know if you intended it, but having her write on an OK CUPID website is kind of ironic (haha)... It's definitely an interesting take on the story and very enjoyable to read!

  4. Hi Adrienne! I loved how you created a dating profile for you storytelling this week! I thought that was so creative and out-of-the-box! Good job! In a way, it reminded me of the girls on The Bachelor. I feel like they're all "looking for true love" and thing they're super normal while the guy is the crazy one for not loving them. Something tells me, though, that maybe Psyche was a little crazy and that's why she wasn't married yet?? ;) Im curious if she ever sees Cupid again and how that goes when/if they do!

  5. I really enjoyed your story in the way that it was told through an online dating site. It seems that this type of making relationships is becoming more and more coming. It was interesting to read that Psyche was looking for love but her profile made it seems that she was very superficial. I was surprised to read that she did not end up with Cupid because she felt like he did not truly love her. I guess she was looking for true love and not just someone who is under a spell?
    In the future, I think it would be fun to add a sequel type of addition to the story. I am curious to see if Psyche was able to find the love of her life and find someone who liked her for more than just her beauty. Maybe, there could be an equally handsome guy who doesn’t like her because of her personality and is brave enough to tell her about it. Also, I might suggest to write the story in a different perspective. Maybe a narrator instead of first person because how would Psyche know that Cupid’s mother had first told him to make her fall in love with someone unworthy? That’s just a suggestion though.
    Overall, I really liked your story because you were able to put ancient characters into a modern day story that is more relatable but also still fantasy like.

  6. Wow! This was a great idea to have a dating profile as your storybook this week! It goes so well with your story and its super creative! I can relate to Psyche in a few ways. I have two older sisters (only 4 and 3 years older) who are married or engaged and are questioning if I am ever going to get married. Im not sure if they know its normal to be single at 21, but I still have to hear them talk about it all the time.
    Although Psyche was a hopeless romantic, I am glad she called off the wedding even though she so desperately wanted to get married. Poor girl, but now she's open to find her real true love on Cupid OK. Hopefully someone who is worthy of her beauty and will help her keep away from Cupid and Venus. Thats a lot of baggage, but I know he's out there somewhere for her.

  7. I loved reading your version of Cupid and Psyche! It was written so well and the route the story took was completely off my radar! Good job! You have a real knack for making a story different and having really good details in them. I can't wait to read more of your stories this semester! I also liked the image you chose. I love seeing pictures that are from another time.

  8. Adrienne-
    I love how you chose to use an online dating profile as a vehicle to tell Psyche's story. I think it was a very appropriate storytelling style considering the story itself revolves around love and specifically Cupid, an old symbol of love who even appears as a character on a modern dating website (OkCupid). It made me laugh to think of how open and honest Psyche was on her dating profile; I wonder if any man would send her a message after reading about her past relationships LOL!

    I think the format looks great! I love that you incorporated the color pink in the headlines for the dating site, because pink is a feminine color and also a great representation for a love story. If I had one suggestion, it would probably be to make the body text a little larger so it's easier on the eyes.

    Overall, I loved the way you used your imagination to modernize this classical story through the use of an online dating website.

  9. I really like your story. I also chose to read the story of cupid and psyche, so I already had the background information. First comment, the while on the bright pink is really hard to read, which is a shame since it's a beautiful story.
    Wow, you changed the ending a lot of the story. It works well, and it amuses me that she went to a website, OK Cupid, which has her former lover's name in it. It was really clever. I can see why Psyche might have viewed Cupid as possessive, since he always advised her away from talking to her sisters or making contact with her old life.
    I wonder what psyche's dating profile would be like. If you do a storybook option, it would be really interesting to see what type of stories he tells on her dating profile, in addition to what she says in her journal entry.

  10. Hi Adrienne! I liked the way you have formatted your story into an OKCupid dating site! Isn't it ironic that Psyche was in love with Cupid then had to resort to a dating site that was named after him? The way you portrayed Psyche really cracked me up! She reminds me of a stereotypical Valley girl who has no idea what she's getting into. I really wish I could have seen a profile layout with her picture and posts. This was a great story!
