Thursday, January 21, 2016

Growth Mindset

Both Carol Dweck and the concept of growth mindset are two totally new concepts to me. I really liked the Ted Talk video because it made me view learning in a completely different way. I'm a very goal oriented person... if I don't set a goal that I want to achieve I feel lost and like I'm not using my time productively. That being said it's clear that I've gotten sucked into the way of having a fixed mindset when it comes to school. For example, my goal last semester was to make all A's in my classes. Yes, it was a great goal but like the video says not everything in life is about grades... it's about challenging yourself to expand your mind and learn something new! It's so easy to get hyper focused on getting A's in classes especially when grades are one of the main things PA admissions offices look at. 

While being at OU I've struggled the most in my science classes. I was so used to making good grades in High School that when I wasn't performing as well here it shocked me! I think last semester was when I kinda used the growth mindset without even knowing about it. I've always had a hard time with Chemistry and last semester I was taking Chem II. I ended up completely failing the first exam, but unlike feeling like a failure like I did after my other science tests I took it as challenge and opportunity to learn something new. So I ended up doing practice problems and taking a different approach to studying, which in the end really paid off! I'm hoping to continue that way of thinking this semester... not being as concerned about the grade but more concerned with the way my brain is being stretched to try something new. 

I'm very interested in learning more about growth mindset because I feel that it will be a  very helpful and healthier way to approach school this semester and in the future. The class I'm the most worried about is Genetics but I really think implementing this new concept will help me tremendously. I'm also excited about this course because it's completely different than other courses I've taken at OU. I think it's going to challenge me to use a different part of my brain than I'm used to which is good!
(Growth Mindset Meme. Source: Blogspot)


  1. Both name and Growth mindset were whole new to me as well. After I watched the video I did not know what to say, it was that interesting and that strange. Ted-Talk video kind of blew my mind with her researches and results. I like your positive behavior and attitude to this new concept, although it might be challenging.

  2. I'm so happy that you've been exposed to the growth mindset idea! I'm a huge fan of growth mindset. There's so much to learn about it, and honestly it makes sense. It allows people to see their failures as an opportunity to improve and to view hard problems as challenges instead of a feared task. I really like the cat meme that you've posted! Dr. Gibbs has a bunch of really cool memes for growth mindset. Don't give up on chemistry just yet! It's a beautiful science, and I'll bet you'll learn to love it.

  3. It is really easy to get sucked in to the whole "A's are the things that matter" mentality! I was even homeschooled with a system that didn't use grades, per say, and I still find it REALLY ROUGH when I get bad scores on tests, so I can totally sympathize with you (and I think a lot of other people can, too). I think it's awesome that you found a way to utilize growth mindset without knowing what it actually was, though, especially since it seemed to help you so much! It's definitely a process, figuring out the best way to learn things in college...

  4. I'm the exact same way when it comes to being focused on grades! The growth mindset has really helped me to realize that I need to be focused on learning, not achieving. It's great to make the honor roll, but it's a much larger accomplishment in my eyes to learn new material all semester and do the readings because I have a desire to learn.

  5. I am with you in the fact that trying to get through these science classes and managing to get good grades is EXTREMELY difficult! Sometimes I feel like I have never bee so dumb in my life! It definitely was a wake up call for me when realizing how much more I was going to have to work for my grades! I believe that we can do it though!
