Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Introduction to a Hopeful Future PA

Hello everyone! My name is Adrienne Crawford. My current major is Health and Exercise Science but I’m Pre-PA (Physician Assistant)… so after I enter PA school I’ll have an extra two years of school! PA’s are basically a step down from a doctor. They can see patients and prescribe medicine to them under the supervision of a doctor. Many people normally see a PA when they go to the doctors’ office instead of seeing their actual Physician! One of the main differences between the two is that PA’s don’t perform surgery. I’m excited to become a PA because I love helping and interacting with people. It also allows me to jump around from one specialty to another. For example, I could be a PA for a Dermatologist for a few years and then switch over to specializing in Oncology and so on. The options really are endless!

I’m still in complete denial that the semester is starting because I had such a great break. I loved getting to spend time with my Siberian Husky, Zoe! Zoe’s super sweet and is totally in her element when it snows outside… which doesn’t happen too often in Texas unfortunately. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Huskies I’ve included a picture of one below!
Above is a photograph of a Siberian Husky.
Source: Pixabay

Not only did I get to spend some much needed time with my dog over break but I also turned 21! I got to celebrate my birthday with my friends in Dallas, which was a ton of fun and then I went to Las Vegas with my mom. I had never been to Vegas before so it was really cool to see how crazy everything was there. My mom and I went to a concert and the Cirque Du Soleil: Beatles show. I’m very close with my mom so it was nice getting to spend that time with her.

I also had never seen any of the Star Wars movies before, so I was curious about all of the hype surrounding the new movie that recently came out. I decided to watch all 6 movies over break (in the right order) because I wanted to understand what everyone was going so crazy about! I must admit I ended up really liking them and still need to find time to see the new one in theatres!

Now that I’m starting to get back into the school routine, I’m really excited for this upcoming semester. I can’t wait to see what this New Year has to offer!


  1. I actually thought about being a PA for a while, so I am pretty familiar with the study. The best of luck to you, it is a lot of work but will be so satisfying whenever you enter the field! I love huskies, so cute. And getting to go to Vegas right after you turned 21 must have been great! I am a little jealous to be honest.

  2. I am really glad there are people like you who enjoy jobs like being a PA because I cannot deal with medical things. Sounds like it is a good fit for you.

    Congratulations on turning 21! I sure remember my 21st birthday, and it was less than a year ago. It sounds like you had a lot of fun on your birthday.

  3. Hi Adrienne!
    Your major/career goals are so cool! I thought about doing PA before, but I realized it was not for me. I didn't know you could go to different specialties so easily either! That would be nice to keep you “on your toes”, as well as, to continue to learn new things. Also, I've never had a husky before, but I bet they are sweet dogs! I am a complete dog lover, so of course seeing the picture you posted made me so happy and excited to read your post! I’m sure Zoe is a beautiful dog. I bet you had a great time in Vegas as well! I went when I was really little, but it is definitely not a place for little kids. Lastly, I am with you on Star Wars. I have never seen them, so I decided to watch some over break (only finished two of them). Maybe one day I’ll get through them! Great post and I hope you have a great semester!

  4. To be a PA sounds like such a great career, Adrienne! I'm always happier to interact with the PA at my doctor's office; the doctor is super-nice and everything, but I always feel more relaxed with the PA. And stories of medicine and healing are such a huge part of the mythological tradition. Maybe you will want to focus on something like that for your project in this class, turning this Humanities class into something relevant for your future career. You might even collect stories you could share with your future patients someday! And they don't have to be ancient stories; it could even be modern mythology, like the urban legends about medicine at a site like Snopes.com. You might explore that as a topic when you start brainstorming about projects later this week! Fun stuff; Snopes.com is an amazing resource for the kinds of stories that grab people's attention in the modern age!

  5. Hey Adreinne, I'm an HES major too! I'm en route to become a Physical Therapist (aka Physical Terrorist by many patients) but definitely considered PA! Both have the great ability to change specialties!
    I too am a dog lover and Zoe looks like an awesome dog. Huskies (the ones I've met) have always been super smart and have hilarious personalities! They are on my list to own one day, but mutts are always the best! Good luck with your semester!

  6. Hi Adrienne! I recently turned 21 over break too! I thought it would feel different somehow, but I still feel the same... It's almost like it hasn't hit me yet or something, even though it's been exactly a month. I hope to get a husky of my own in the future, they're so pretty! I hope you enjoyed the new Star Wars, it was awesome! I admire your efforts of watching all SIX of them before seeing the new one!

  7. Hi Adrienne,
    I think its really cool that you're studying to be a PA! I did not know that the career was so versatile! That would be so interesting to jump from specialty to specialty and have all of those great experiences. I’m glad you had so much fun in Dallas with your friends! I’m also jealous that you went to Las Vegas because I really want to go there. I was supposed to go this summer but just recently cancelled my trip :(. I hope it was the right decision to do so! I really enjoyed reading your introduction and can’t wait to get to know you in class :)

  8. Hey Adrienne! Im so glad you had such a fun break and I hope you're now getting back into the swing of things. I know its taken me a bit. That so exciting you turned 21! Congrats! and spending it in Vegas! Wow that sounds fun and exciting and hopefully you didn't loose that much money.
    I also had never seen a Star Wars movie before the break and I planned to watch all of them and then watching the new one in the theaters, but that didn't happen. Time just slipped away and then all of sudden we were back in school!

  9. Hello, Adrienne! What a great break you had. As a dog lover, nothing will be more exciting than spending time with your dog, and that is the greatest break you can have! By the way, I am a huge fan of Siberian Husky, they are so cool. I went to Las Vegas few years ago, and everything was so different from Oklahoma. Many shiny things and a lot of events are happening there. I am glad you had a great break.

  10. Hi Adrienne! I love that you are wanting to be a Physician's Assistant! I have a few friends in PA school right now and they absolutely love it! I can't wait for you to begin that new chapter in your life.
    Happy belated birthday! The Big 2-1!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
    I love Siberian Huskies! They are so beautiful! I could look at pictures of them for hours and hours!
    I hope you have a great semester!

  11. Hi, Adrienne! I think it's awesome that your future career will allow you to jump around in your field and not force you to remain static in one specialty area. I think it would be a nice change of pace to switch it up after a few years!
    I, too, enjoyed spending time with my dog over winter break; it was probably the highlight. Zoe is adorable! I love huskies but don't see them often in Texas! I bet she has been loving this winter weather.
    I love taking small trips to Dallas! I am from Fort Worth so it's just a short car ride away. I have always wanted to go to Las Vegas! Happy late birthday!

  12. Hey Adrienne! I've always thought that being a PA would be such a cool career since you could focus a lot on patient care. Vegas sounds like such a fun trip! I haven't been since I was a kid, and I bet it would be great as a 21st birthday trip! I wasn't that familiar with Star Wars movies before the new movie either, but I loved the new movie, so I hope you like it as well!

  13. Hi Adrienne! I'm so jealous--I've wanted to see Cirque du Soleil for years! But it's awesome that you got to spend time with your mom--it's hard for college kids that are really close with their families, I think, because so much of the time we have too sacrifice family time for school! Do you like the Beatles? I'm glad you liked Star Wars--that exact same thing happened to me, watching all six movies in a row...except I was in fifth grade, but I still really love them! And the new one!

    Also--your dog is adorable! I love huskies--my aunt lives in Vermont and she used to have a sled dog team, so she had a bunch! Is Zoe really high energy? All of my aunt's were...

  14. Hey Adrienne! That's so cool you want to go to PA school! I also didn't know that you could specialize in different fields as a PA, and have the ability to switch around. It's so cool that you went to Las Vegas for your birthday! I've been wanting to go there so badly and am trying to plan a trip with my friends! Zoe is adorable. My friends have a husky and she's my favorite dog. They're so sweet!
    I haven't seen any of the Star Wars yet, but I'm hoping to watch the new movie soon because I heard it was so good!

  15. Hi Adrienne! I loved getting to read your introduction. I think it is so cool that you want to be a PA! That is such an amazing field to work in. I am so jealous that you got to go to the Beatles show. I absolutely love their music (I am a huge Beatles fan!) I am excited to read more of your work throughout the semester! You are a great writer!

  16. Hi Adrienne! I have also seen the Beatles Cirque Du Soleil show in vegas! I thought it was an awesome show. If you liked that show you should consider seeing some of the other Cirque Du Soleil shows, they are all great. I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies and wanted to watch them over christmas break too! I only got around to seeing the first one, but hope I can find the time to watch the others. Goodluck on the rest of your semester and PA school!

  17. Hi Adrienne, it is so great to meet you! I, also, am a HES major and like it a lot! I am studying to go to grad school for occupational therapy! This applying process will be a kicker for sure. I bet Vegas was so fun! I went once with my family when I was a kid, but I wish that I could go back now since I am old enough to enjoy it. Good luck with schooling!

  18. First of I love you dog. I have always wanted a husky and it is my goal to get one, one day! I think thats great you got to go to Vegas with your mom. That is something my mom and I have been wanting to do. She has been before but I never have. I also just turned 21 over christmas break. I spent it working though. So not as exciting as yours. I think thats great you will be able to jump around in your profession. Good luck with all your classes this semester!

  19. Adrienne,
    So many health and exercise majors are in this class! That is really cool you want to be physician assistant! I too have lots of family in Texas and plan on even visiting vegas this spring break, but with my dad rather than my mom like you have! I also plan on at least getting my masters degree so I have some more years ahead of me after I graduate next semester! Good luck in your future!

  20. Hey Adrienne,

    "Another One" (DJ Khaled voice)... You, just like me, are a Health and Exercise Science major. It seems like most of the people in this class are of our major. Vegas is awesome, isn't it? I went there over the summer and it was beyond fun! I can not wait to go back some time. I am jealous that you have a Husky... I have always wanted one.

  21. OH MY GOSH! Your husky is so adorable! I love dogs, I have two heelers! I bet he is a handful but super fun! Also super jealous of your Vegas trip. I have always wanted to go there! Hopefully it will happen in my near future! You have made it over halfway through the semester, so I hope all is going well!

  22. Hey Adrienne!

    I like the idea of being a physician's assistant, because like you said, you get to dabble in different areas instead of being stuck in one specialty! It's not something I could stomach, though, I'm not a fan of medical things or math and science...haha. My fiance considered being a PA after he'd considered being a neurosurgeon, and now he's thinking about dental school!

    I'm glad you enjoyed your winter break! It does suck coming back, though. It's a weird feeling going from all that free/fun time to new classes and a schedule. It sounds like you had a really awesome 21st birthday! Man, if you're going to go to see Cirque Du Solei, the Beatles show sounds like the way to do it! My 21st birthday is in a month, so I've been thinking about what I want to do...I'm actually really excited to sit in the Director's Suite at the Warren! haha

    Nice to meet you, and I hope you're enjoying your semester!

  23. It’s nice to meet you Adrienne! It sounds like you had a really nice break! I don’t know whether its crazier that you had never seen any of the Star Wars movies or that you watched all six of them just to know what was going on for the new. I’m glad you liked them though, I think they are really good movies.

  24. Hi Adrienne! I hope you are having a great semester. It's great that you are becoming a PA. It sounds like it is something you will really enjoy. It is funny that you decided to watch all of the Star Wars just to figure out what all the hype is about. I am old enough that I have seen all of them in the theater. Actually I saw A New Hope at a drive-in theater when I was 6. I remember standing in the longest line ever to watch Return of the Jedi when I was in 6th grade. Needless to say, I have enjoyed Star Wars all my life. Nice to meet you.

  25. Hey Adrienne! I am also an HES major and have loved all of the classes we I’ve taken. I have a few friends who are on the PA track and it sounds like a great job. I am Pre-PT and am so excited to get into a program (hopefully) next year. I absolutely adore Huskies, so I loved seeing the picture on your intro! Good luck with finals!

  26. It’s cool you want to be a Physician Assistant. That’s what my sister wants to do as well. I’m going to be honest with you I’m obsessed with Siberian Huskies. They are my favorite. I don’t think you’re the only one in this class with a Husky though. I’m pretty sure I commented on someone else’s introduction saying I loved Huskies (I even double checked that I didn’t comment on yours).
