Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Storybook Favorites

There were so many good storybook options to choose from but one that really stood out to me was Nursery Rhymes Gone Wrong: What Happened Afterwards. It is clear what this storybook is going to be about based on the topic, which is a main factor in why I chose this one. I really enjoy stories with a twist and I can tell this one will have many twists and turns throughout its stories. I also thought the introduction was well written and it grabbed my attention, making me want to read each story to see what really happened after these nursery rhymes were over! It was smart that they included a brief summary of what happened in the original nursery rhyme to give the reader background information before reading.

After scrolling down a little more another storybook title caught my eye. This one was called, The Unanswered Questions of Pooh and Friends. There was no doubt in my mind that I would like this one because I absolutely loved watching Winnie the Pooh as a kid. The title did a good job of saying what the storybook was going to be about. I also thought the introduction truly grabbed my attention and made me want to know why all the characters were upset. Not only were the title and introduction great but I also really liked the design and layout. The pages were all yellow and red which match the colors of the character Pooh and I thought the storybook was easy to navigate.

Another storybook that I really liked was the one titled Happily Ever Whatever. I thought the title did a good job of making the reader curious and wonder what the storybook is going to be about. The introduction really gave good background information so the reader understood what was going on and was ready to read the rest of the story. I also liked the layout and design of the storybook because it made it clear that it was about princesses since the background is glittery and at the bottom of the introduction it even includes the Disney princesses.

Below I posted a screenshot of the cover page for the storybook, The Unanswered Questions of Pooh and Friends. I really thought that the design looked like something that would come straight out of one of the Winnie the Pooh stories. I also thought the picture they included with the characters looking like The Beatles was really cute!
(Screenshot from The Unanswered Questions of Pooh 
and Friends storybook. Source: Pooh and Friends Cover Page)

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